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At Woolden Hill Primary School, we are committed to equal opportunities for all of our pupils. We strive to remove barriers to learning to ensure that all children can reach their full potential, whatever their special educational need (SEN) or disability. The majority of pupils with SEND in our school are provided for within the class by slight adjustments to work, resources or teaching methods. Whilst we strive to be as inclusive as possible, we recognise that sometimes, to achieve their potential, children may need adjustments to the teaching styles or learning provision.
The current SENDCo at Woolden Hill Primary School is Erika Rumble.
At Woolden Hill Primary School we are committed to using our best endeavours to provide an appropriate and high quality education for all children which enables them to:
We consider every teacher to be the champion for every child, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. We have the highest aspirations and expectations for all pupils, including those with special educational needs.
A pupil has SEND where their learning difficulty or disability calls for special educational provision to be made for them, that is provision different from or additional to that normally available to pupils of the same age. For some children, SEND can be identified at an early age. However, for other children and young people difficulties become evident only as they develop.
The identification of SEND is built into the overall approach to monitoring the progress and development of all pupils. Class teachers will assess each pupil’s current skills and levels of attainment on entry, building on information from previous settings. Class teachers then make regular assessments of progress for all pupils identifying in particular where pupils are making less than expected progress given their age and individual circumstances. Where a pupil’s progress is causing concern, this may be characterised by progress which:
It can include progress in areas other than attainment, for instance where a pupil needs to make additional progress with wider development or social needs.
Identifying and adapting teaching to meet pupils’ needs is a process that is in place for all pupils. The school has a rigorous and regular system, through termly pupil progress meetings, to identify where pupils are not making expected progress or working below national expectations. Class teachers will put in place if necessary relevant and timely interventions through quality first teaching, appropriate differentiation and in-class support, aimed at closing the gap or raising the attainment. The class teacher will also talk with parents to ensure there is a shared understanding of pupils needs and to gain parental perspective on any emerging concerns and areas of strength.
Being part of Discovery Trust enables us to have access to EPIC Educational Psychology Services and EPIC Speech and Language Services. This enables our children to direct access to external services if necessary to help us to pinpoint quickly and accurately any barriers to learning a pupil may have. We have regular from the EPIC team and they also provide first class training to ensure that all adults within the school setting have a strong understanding of a wide range of SEND provision requirements.
The SEND Information Report describes the types of support and provision available at Woolden Hill Primary School and pre-school for supporting all children to reach their potential. It aims to answer questions parents / carers may have and also outlines what this would look like for children. We have broken this down into 4 sections. Firstly what Policies the school publishes in support of SEND, the roles and responsibilities of staff in school in relation to SEND, the different levels of support for children within Woolden Hill Primary School and finally some Frequently Asked Questions.
At Woolden Hill Primary School children are identified as having SEN in a variety of ways e.g.
We offer a wide variety of pastoral support for children who are encountering emotional difficulties. We are a caring, understanding staff who look after our children and parents. We fully recognise that children may go through crisis in their lives for short periods of time or longer periods of time. We aim to utilise the support we are lucky enough to have in school to support all children through these times NOT just the ones identified as having SEND needs.
Your child’s class teacher is the first person to contact with concerns about your child’s overall wellbeing. Intervention may be put into place to support your child. If progress is little to none and further support is needed, the class teacher will liaise with the SENDCo and ELSA in school who will give advice and support and put a plan of action into place.
Woolden Hill School recognise that pupils with medical needs may need additional support.
If a child has a medical need then a detailed Personal Health Care Plan is compiled by the SENDCo in consultation with parents/carers and the school nurse (where appropriate). This is discussed with all staff who are involved with the child.
If your child has a medical condition that requires medication, a meeting can be arranged as required with parents/carers, class teacher and SENDCo if appropriate. Parents and all staff members who agree to administer medicines will sign a medication agreement form to ensure the safety of both child and staff member. For more information on procedures, see the Health and Safety Policy on the school website.
To find out more in detail about how we support pupils with at Woolden Hill Primary School, known as the our SEND Local Offer, please read the school SEND information report and SEND policy. To find out more about the Leicestershire County Council SEN offer, please click here.
If you are concerned about your child, in the first instance, please do not hesitate to contact the class teacher. They will happily discuss your child’s progress and ways in which you can help your child at home.
If you have specific questions or need further advice after reading the policy and information report, please do not hesitate to contact the school Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCo), Mr Liam Collins, who can be contacted via the school office.
To view the SEND Policies Click Here.
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