Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!
The staff in Year 3 are, Miss Martin, Mrs Mayes, Miss Smith and Miss
Cappell. Please feel free to talk to the members of staff if you have any questions related to your child’s time in Year 3.

General Information

  • Homework will be given every Friday and should be returned to school by the following Thursday.
  • Book bags should be brought into school every day. Please record any reading your child does at home in their diaries. We aim to change books weekly but if books need changing before then, please speak to a member of staff.
  • It is important to hear your child read on a regular basis, to develop fluency and comprehensions skills. Reading a book several times really helps with the fluency. If there are particular words they get stuck on, write them down and use them to play snap or memory games etc. Further guidance to help you in supporting your child’s reading will be provided
    throughout the term.
  • The classroom doors will be open at 8:35 am in the morning and the children will be greeted by a member of staff and walk straight into class. Similarly, at 3:10pm the children will leave school via the classroom door.
  • Children will need to bring a named water bottle into school. No juice or fizzy drinks.
  • The children will have a personal locker to keep all their belongings.
  • Children will be provided with stationary, so they do not need to bring their own equipment into school.

We always have an exciting time in Year 3 with lots of great topics including the Stone Age, Volcanoes and Ancient Greece. The children get to visit some exciting places on school trips and we also get to take part in the KS2 Christmas Carol concert.

All of our learning can be found on the document below which is our long term

The Big Ideas Y3 Long Term Planning 2024-2025

Autumn 2024/2025 newsletter

Year 3 Curriculum Newsletter – Spring Term 2024/2025